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Dearest, Loveliest Elizabeth Page 10
Dearest, Loveliest Elizabeth Read online
Page 10
Chapter Ten
Fitzwilliam pursed his lips in quiet agitation. Being the groom awaiting one’s bride was a position that he had long put off, but now he knew without any doubt that the woman he had chosen to be his wife was a rare and exquisite creature; far beyond anything he could have ever expected. And, yet, still he felt a longing sense of distress; not so much alarming, but most certainly causing a spike of apprehension to overtake him. Having had ladies practically clawing at a chance to be in the position that Elizabeth had ascertained for herself, his heart beat wildly at the thought of it. Yes, she was the fair and challenging lady who had clutched his heart deep within her dainty fingers.
It had been about six months since he and Elizabeth had become engaged.
During that time, the scandal aroused by Elizabeth’s broken engagement to Wickham was slowly forgotten. Everyone who knew them agreed that, after a most trying beginning of their acquaintance, Elizabeth and Darcy were perfectly suited for each other.
Wickham’s elopement did not end well. Victoria Brewton’s family strongly opposed to her marriage, and she had been brought home then sent away abroad to live with a distant aunt. Consequently, Wickham had been dismissed from the Regiment, and he went North, trying to find a new assignment. There was little news of him and what came was quickly dismissed as nobody had any interest that remained in him. To Elizabeth, he had remained the most shameful mistake of her life, and she thanked the Lord every day for not allowing her to bond her life to him through a wedding.
In only one day, six months ago, with Darcy saving her in more than one way, Elizabeth had stepped from the ruin to happiness.
And another day had arrived for them to step side by side, toward a blissful future. The day of their wedding.
Charles Bingley and his new wife, Jane, were already expecting their first child. The news of a new family member was almost as exiting for the Bennets as the preparations for Elizabeth’s wedding.
“Jane?” Mrs Bennet asked, as she stepped closer to her, “Lizzy should soon be coming down the aisle. It seems we should all take our seats,” her mother warned.
Jane nodded and smiled brightly. “Of course, Mother. It is Lizzy’s day, after all,” she gracefully agreed. The ladies who had surrounded her all bowed their heads, and graciously returned to their seats as Darcy’s eyes swept down the aisle.
The pianist began striking keys ,and Darcy felt the air rush from his lungs, his very breath being taken away by the mere sight of his beautiful fiancé. Elizabeth’s lips twitched slightly as she peered down the aisle to Darcy. At her side, Elizabeth’s father slowly began escorting her down the aisle.
“Good day, ladies and gentlemen,” the Parson began as Elizabeth finally came to stand before him and Mr Darcy. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. Who gives this woman’s hand in marriage?” he asked.
Mr. Bennet stepped forward, and smiling briefly, he placed his daughter’s hand in Mr Darcy’s – squeezing gently before he finally released it. “I, her father, give my daughter’s hand in marriage,” Mr Bennet stated. Elizabeth smiled as Mr Darcy took her hand and her father returned to his seat.
“Do you, Fitzwilliam Darcy,” the parson glanced at Mr Darcy, “Take Miss Elizabeth Bennet, to be your lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” the Parson asked.
Darcy’s smile was brilliant as he nodded. “I do,” he vowed.
The Parson peered over at Elizabeth and repeated, “Do you, Elizabeth Bennet, take Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy to be your lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Elizabeth promised smiling brightly. The Parson smiled in return, and announced Darcy’s right to kiss his bride.
Darcy leaned forward to press his lips against his wife’s for the first time ever.
“Oh, Lizzy! Your wedding was so very beautiful!” Kitty exclaimed as she came rushing to her sister’s side.
“Indeed, I am so pleased with all the help you, Lydia, and Mary offered in preparing for the ceremony,” Elizabeth thanked them with a wide smile.
Mr. Bingley and Jane approached; Jane’s arm laced through her husband’s as she smiled at her younger sister. “Congratulations, Mrs Darcy!” Jane announced as she and Bingley came to stand before her.
Elizabeth grinned in joy, her eyes darting to her sister’s growing belly. “How much longer until Baby Bingley arrives?” Elizabeth asked curiously.
Jane’s face lit up slightly as she lowered her free hand to tenderly rub against her stomach. “Three more months, which means we should be meeting the baby sometime in July or August,” Jane explained.
Elizabeth glowed as she peered up at her husband. “Oh, is it not so very exciting, Fitzwilliam?” she asked. “Soon enough, we shall be an Aunt and Uncle!” she stated.
Jane chuckled with a coy grin. “Indeed, you shall both be, but it is highly possible you may well become a father soon enough yourself,” Mr Bingley stated.
“Oh, no – not yet, Bingley!” Mr Darcy remarked. “I think Lizzy and I shall be content being the favorite aunt and uncle to Baby Bingley, but I do not think Elizabeth and I are at all ready for children. We have only just gotten married,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“Oh, but you must recall that your wife’s mother had five daughters. It is entirely possible that you may have the same, Darcy,” Bingley expressed with a joking tone.
Jane chuckled slightly. “How do you feel about motherhood, Lizzy?” she asked.
Elizabeth’s mouth fell agape as she considered her sister’s words. Never before had she even considered motherhood. She had only just gotten through the distress of arranging a marriage. To think of raising a baby was far beyond her mind’s capacity, at least for the moment.
“Oh, no, I have not thought about it in the least, and yet I must admit that I am so very excited about meeting my niece or nephew. I cannot wait for three months to pass!” Elizabeth excitedly replied.
“What are you all discussing over here?” Mrs Bennet’s voice broke through the conversation as she interrupted her daughters and sons-in-law.
“Good day, Mrs Bennet,” Mr Bingley answered. “Jane and I were just asking Elizabeth and Darcy about their feelings on having a child.”
“Oh, but how lovely would it be to have two new grandchildren?” Mrs Bennet asked. Elizabeth’s eyebrows perked, having detected the same excitable tone in her mother’s voice at the potential of having grandchildren, that she had first discovered when her mother had indiscreetly gushed over Mr Bingley’s interest in Jane.
“Mother, Fitzwilliam and I have a lifetime to consider that possibility,” Elizabeth remarked. “And, if, we are as fortunate as Mr Bingley and Jane, perhaps you shall soon be the happy grandmother to our own child someday in the future,” Elizabeth finished.
“If you are anything like I was, I am positive you shall have many healthy children, Lizzy. As I am also certain, shall be the case for our beloved Jane and Mr Bingley,” Mrs Bennet replied.
“I most certainly do not wish to offend you, Mrs Bennet. However, I am not so certain I want to be like either yourself or Mr Bennet. I imagine having five daughters is quite difficult, and I pray fate does not burden me so,” Mr Bingley admitted.
“Indeed, Mr Bingley, having five daughters has been quite difficult, but it has also been entirely rewarding. Especially, seeing the content smiles of my beautiful daughters with their beloved husbands. I must admit I, too, am counting the days until we are all able to see the adorable face of yours and Jane’s child,” she muttered.
“I am not in agreement with Bingley,” Darcy muttered, his eyes flickering from his mothers-in-law to his new wife’s as he continued to speak. “I feel that having five headstrong daughters who mirror their mother would be a fine blessing, indeed,” he declare
Elizabeth smiled indulgently, her eyes meeting with her husband’s, and a feeling a tenderness sweeping over her. This was the reason she had fallen for him. This was the reason she had never felt at ease when engaged to Wickham. Indeed, the warm feeling that flooded through her could come from only one thing; being wholly, completely in love with Mr Darcy.
“What do you think about having a houseful of daughters, Lizzy?” Mrs Bennet addressed her daughter.
Elizabeth tilted her head and smiled as her eyes flickered away from her husband to her mother. “When the time should arise for me to become a mother, I shall adore my children; no matter their gender; with everything I am. But, for now, the honor should be given fully to our beloved Jane,” she stated.
Mrs. Bennet smiled reflectively, and began nodding in agreement. “Indeed, with that in mind, Jane, have you decided upon names for the babe?” she asked.
Jane’s eyes moved toward Bingley’s as she nodded. “Indeed, we have, mother. If we have a son,” she paused nodding in encouragement.
Bingley, picking up on his wife’s hinting, smiled and continued for her, “If we have a son, we shall name him Fitzwilliam Benjamin Bingley, and,” he glanced at his wife yet again, “If we have a daughter, she is to be called Elizabeth Georgiana Bingley,” Bingley stated.
Darcy’s eyes widened as he smiled brightly. “My sister shall be greatly pleased if you should have a daughter. Will you call her Georgie or Lizzy?” Darcy asked.
“She will be called Lizzy, just like her aunt,” Jane responded. “Though, he does wish for a son first,” she added.
“I think those are right and fitting names, indeed, Jane! How lovely – a niece to be Lizzy’s namesake! You bless me so, Jane!” Mrs Bennet exclaimed.
“Oh, Jane,” Elizabeth’s eyes brimmed with tears as she considered her sister’s honorable choice in naming her daughter after both her sister and, instead of Caroline as the second name, choosing the name of her new sister-in-law, someone Bingley too had cherished through childhood. “After all this, you would still name your daughter after the emboldened one?” she asked jokingly.
Jane nodded. “I could not think of one other person who would be more fitting of such an honor, Lizzy. I am positive you will be a lovely aunt to the child.” Jane’s eyes once more flickered down to her belly, her palm lightly rubbing in a circle as she gasped; her eyes rising to meet with Elizabeth’s as she winked. “The baby moved just now,” she murmured, reaching forward for Elizabeth’s free hand as she brought it to rest against her stomach.
Elizabeth’s eyes widened as the baby kicked at her palm. “How very strange! Does it hurt ever?” Elizabeth asked in shock.
Jane shook her head and giggled slightly. “No, it does not hurt at all, but it does feel very strange indeed. It is quite difficult to explain, but it is almost as if I can feel butterflies soaring through,” she admitted, shaking her head in wonder as she smiled.
Elizabeth’s lips widened as she found herself smiling in surprise and delight – such a lovely family we have, how fortunate I am to be a part of it, she thought.
“It is time! Lizzy, hurry, hurry!” Mrs Bennet’s voice echoed throughout the house. Jane had wished nothing more than to be close to her mother as the summer drew on, and the baby’s expected date of arrival drew closer. “Fetch the water and towels,” Mrs Bennet ordered as she came rushing into the parlor.
Elizabeth tilted her head, and began to nod at once, understanding that the time of delivery was nigh. She rushed from her mother’s sight to gather up the things she had asked for. It had been three months since she and Darcy had been wed, and she now found herself a month pregnant; though determined she would not allow such a state to dissuade her from being present at her sister’s delivery.
“Lydia! Mary?” Elizabeth called to her younger sisters as she moved to the kitchen, and collected the towels her mother had asked for. “Where are you?” she called.
Lydia’s ruddy face came into view, gasping as she looked back at her sister.
“Yes, Lizzy?” she asked.
Elizabeth arched a curious brow as she looked over her. “What have you been doing? Why do you appear so flushed?” Elizabeth asked her.
Lydia closed her eyes slightly as she struggled to catch her breath. “I decided to go walking this afternoon. I found myself strolling down the trail you so often seemed to enjoy,” Lydia remarked.
Elizabeth lifted her other eyebrow. “Do not wander near the lake’s edge if ever you should choose to go walking again. If you slip into the water there will be no one to hear you. It is very dangerous,” Elizabeth muttered, remembering her predicament.
Lydia frowned in puzzlement. “You never seemed to have any troubles. I do not understand what I have done that is so wrong,” Lydia remarked.
Elizabeth sighed, shaking her head as she motioned for her sister to follow after her. “Indeed, I did suffer a great fall! Do you not recall last year when Darcy had to rescue me from the mud? Do you wish the same fate to befall you? Come along now, we need to gather water; the baby is coming,” she announced.
Lydia’s mouth fell agape, her eyes widening brightly as she rushed past Elizabeth. “Oh, Lizzy! You should have told me at once! I must wash up,” she exclaimed.
“Do not forget the water, Lydia,” Elizabeth warned.
Lydia turned and nodded. “I shall fetch it straightaway!” she announced.
Elizabeth sighed, and clutching the towels closely she moved to ascend the staircase.
“Oh!” the sound of Jane screaming echoed throughout the house, and Mrs Bennet suddenly came bursting out of the room shaking her head vigorously.
“All gentlemen, please leave to the parlor. I shall have tea sent to you, but I simply cannot have anyone waiting here outside of Jane’s room. She has forbidden such!” Mrs Bennet stated.
Elizabeth finally came to stand on the landing, and Mrs Bennet’s eyes flashed to her as she noticed the towels tucked just beneath her arm. “Oh, Lizzy! You brought the towels, but where is the water?” Mrs Bennet asked, agitation rising in her voice with every utterance.
“Lydia is bringing to now, Mother. May I go inside?” she asked.
Mrs. Bennet threw her hands up in the air and began shaking her head. “No, no – wait until Lydia brings the water,” she muttered.
Elizabeth perked a brow; her curiosity and concern piquing from her mother’s actions. “Is something the matter, Mother?” Elizabeth asked curiously.
Mrs. Bennet shook her head. “No, but I do not know how you will fare with seeing your own sister’s blood,” Mrs Bennet replied.
“There is blood?” Bingley’s voice echoed from behind Elizabeth, and Mrs Bennet immediately began shaking her head.
“No, all of you gentleman must go to the parlor! I shall have Mr Bennet bring cigars and brandy,” Mrs Bennet stated, reaching forward to take the towels from Elizabeth. “Lizzy, please go ask your father to see Darcy and Bingley into the parlor for cigars and brandy,” her mother directed.
Elizabeth nodded, and turned to face her brother-in-law and husband. “Gentleman, Mother insists that you come with me to the parlor,” Elizabeth stated.
Darcy and Bingley exchanged glances, but followed down the stairs as Elizabeth lead them toward the parlor. She opened the door, and spotting her father smiled widely. “Father, Mother has asked that you, Mr Bingley, and Darcy all stay here to enjoy cigars and brandy while we ladies assist with Jane’s delivery,” she explained.
“Indeed, is that so? Our Jane shall soon have a babe!” Mr Bennet smiled proudly.
Elizabeth nodded. “Yes,” she muttered, realizing that she had kept the secret of hers and Darcy’s pregnancy due to her sister’s own nearing delivery. Elizabeth knew she needed to announce they were expecting, but so far, she had not been convinced of the proper time to do so. “Soon enough, you shall be a grandfather for the first time,” she murmured.
“Well, go on then. Hurry and help your mother
and sister!” Mr Bennet exclaimed, waving the gentlemen within. “Come along, Darcy, Bingley – let us enjoy a cigar with our wives’ permission,” he joked.
As Elizabeth passed by her husband, Darcy reached forward to grasp her hand pulling her in closer as he whispered against her ear. “Soon enough, you can share the news of our expecting a baby, as well, Lizzy, but know I will do my best to keep Bingley and your father calm as you assist your sister,” he stated warmly.
Elizabeth smiled brightly, her fingers clutching her husband’s hands tightly as she squeezed them. “Indeed, I would never expect anything less, my love,” she sweetly agreed as he released her hand. She moved out of the parlor as swiftly as her legs could carry her, and as she strode out into the foyer, she noticed Lydia with the water buckets making her way toward the steps.
“I have brought the water,” Lydia stated the obvious.
Elizabeth glanced at the pail in the hand closest to her, and leaned down to grasp it. She nodded toward the staircase as Lydia stood alongside her. “Very well, let us go help our sister, and meet our new niece,” she stated.
“Or nephew,” Lydia added.
Elizabeth nodded. “Or nephew,” she repeated. The two sisters strode up the staircase, and came to stand on the landing just as their mother flew out of the room; her eyes flashing wildly as she gathered her surroundings.
“Oh, we have no time! Hurry, hurry!” she urged, opening the door, and waving Lydia and Elizabeth into the room.
The darkness seemed to shift a bit as Elizabeth walked inside and she could see Jane seated upright, her head cocked back against the headboard as she clutched her eyes closed. Her hands appeared nearly stark white against the knuckles from where she had been tightly gripping the blanket for some time, and Elizabeth immediately knew that Jane was suffering from great pain.